
Connor 币安Binance交易所 2022-10-01 163 0



Projects' New


墨尔本步行街拥有著名的购物场景和街头艺术巷道,重建计划包括:6000平方米的零售、餐饮空间,其中Bourke street Mall和Little Collins street都位于具有高曝度的沿街店铺nkc币

由洲际酒店集团管理的英迪格酒店和假日酒店也在引入名单内,位于零售空间上层,进一步完善零售业态nkc币。墨尔本步行街重建也将融入城市的历史和文化,修复和保留York Building façades建筑物。

01|Melbourne Walk’s redevelopment started


Melbourne Walk, with its famous shopping scene and street art laneway, will feature 6,000 square meters of retail and dining space, including Bourke Street Mall and Little Collins Street, which will be housed in high-exposure street-side stores.

Hotel Indigo and Holiday Inn managed by InterContinental Hotels Group, are also being introduced, located above the retail space, further completing the retail format. Melbourne Walk reconstruction will also incorporate the history and culture of the city and will restore and preserve the York Building façades.


由APM Capital管理的太平洋购物中心年销售额(截至2022年8月)超过10亿美元,在疫后大环境下显示了极大的韧性nkc币


02|Pacific Fair joins the billion dollar shopping centre ranks

Pacific Fair, managed by AMP Capital, has achieved annual sales over a billion dollars as of August 2022, showing extreme resilience during and post-COVID environments.

Pacific Fair opened its doors in August of 1977 and underwent a $670 million redevelopment in 2016 which transformed it into the 4th largest shopping centre in Australia. Pacific Fair changed its strategy to focus on local customers and domestic tourism under the impact of epidemic, which resulted in a significant shift in sales, firmly cementing its reputation around consumers.




03|SPE's first theme park- Phase I to open on 12 October

Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) will open its multibillion-dollar theme park-Columbia Pictures’Aquaverse Phase I in Pattaya on 12 October, according to Thailand media. It is SPE's first theme park in the world

Columbia Pictures’ Aquaverse will bring at least 1 million tourists to Thailand, with an economic value of more than 10 billion baht, and provide direct employment and income for no less than 1,000 Thais.




04|35-billion-yuan Moon Dubai been exposed

Recently, according to Arabian Business, Dubai plans to invest $5 billion (35 billion yuan) to build a lunar resort “Moon Dubai”, which combines hotel, entertainment, tourism, education, technology, environment and space tourism.

Moon Dubai, proposed to be built on 10 acres near the Dubai Pearl, is 224 meters tall and has a spherical body of 198 meters in diameter. The exterior of the building replicates the surface of the moon. The interior is a scale replica of the real area explored by humans on the moon, covering an area of 40,000 square meters. Moon Dubai will give ordinary tourists a more affordable space experience, with customers able to have a 90-minute walk on Moon Dubai for just $500.


Brands' News



01|Sephora's Asia Store of the Future opened in Singapore

Sephora's Asia Store of the Future opened on 23 September at Raffles Mall in Singapore. The 4,585-square-foot store was Sephora's first cashless store, creating an immersive retail experience through technology and digitalization. Sephora also plans to open its next Asia Store of the Future in Shanghai in 2023.



02|Burberry could lose its British royal warrant

Burberry, the luxury brand favoured by the late Queen Elizabeth II, and about 600 other brands are at risk of losing their royal warrant pending approval from King Charles III, according to British media. If they do not get seal of approval from King Charles III, they will have to remove the royal supplier's mark within the next 2 years.




03|Tesla is considering China retailing adjustment

Tesla is reevaluatingits selling mode in its second-largest market China, and is considering closing some showrooms in high-end shopping centres in cities like Beijing where traffic has plummeted during the epidemic, according to Reuters.

For now, Tesla is putting more emphasis on lower-cost suburban stores, which will also offer repair services to users.


Nike日前与蚂蚁集团合作推出“Move to Zero” (“零碳排”和“零废弃”)计划,正式在支付宝上线“耐克旧鞋新生”小程序nkc币。消费者通过小程序完成旧鞋回收,做出低碳贡献。

而回收的旧鞋经Nike Grind技术加工后,将用于建造环保球场nkc币。耐克计划于2030年前在大中华区建造100个Nike Grind球场,保护运动的未来,也帮助更多孩子们“动起来”。据悉,Nike目前已在中国多地建造了15个Nike Grind运动场。

04|Nike launched Shoes’ Reborn Plan with Ant Group

Nike has joint hands with Ant Group to start “Move to Zero” plan and launch Shoes’ Reborn program on the Alipay. Consumers recycle old shoes through the programs to make low-carbon contributions.

The recycled shoes will be used to build eco-friendly courts after being processed by Nike Grind technology. Nike plans to build 100 Nike Grind courts in the Greater China by 2030 to protect the future of the sport and help more kids “get moving”. Nike has built 15 Nike Grind playgrounds across China.

05|Forever 21将重返日本市场

在被Authentic Brands Group收购两年后,Forever 21正在卷土重来,继重新在中国市场推出后,又将重返日本市场,将于明年2月与伊藤忠合作在日本开启电商业务,并在春季开设一家实体店nkc币。Forever 21于2009年首次进入日本市场,被视为引领了2010年代时尚的快时尚品牌之一。

05|Forever 21 comes back to Japan

Two years after it was acquired by Authentic Brands Group, Forever 21 comes to Japanese market after its relaunch in China. Forever 21 will partner with Itochu to launch an e-commerce business in February 2023 and open a physical store in the spring. Forever 21 first entered the Japanese market in 2009, was seen as one of the popular trends in the 2010s.



06|Uniqlo expands clothing repair service

Uniqlo recently expanded a clothing repair service launched at its Regent Street flagship store in April as part of sustainability move. The price of a stitch is between £2 and £10. The service is currently limited to clothing sold by Uniqlo, while its UK COO said the repair service could be expanded into the whole UK and elsewhere in Europe, in addition to flagship stores in Berlin and New York.


Industrial New


Miss Tweed在最新报道中指出,虽然今年上半全球零售行业随着国际旅游的复苏短暂出现“报复性消费”,但在宏观经济环境日益不利、通胀严重导致生活成本激增等负面因素影响下,消费者开始收紧腰包,2022年最后一个季度奢侈品行业面临着市场需求骤降的严峻挑战nkc币

01|Analysts say the luxury industry will be hit by energy shortages and falling demand

Miss Tweed points out in a new report that while there was a brief period of “revenge consumption” in the global retailing in H1 of the year as international travel recovered, consumers began to tighten their wallets amid an increasingly adverse macroeconomic environment and soaring costs of living due to high inflation. In Q4 of 2022, the luxury industry may face a severe challenge from plummeting market demand.


Coty集团近日表示随着专注于护肤品的战略生效,当前季度整体美妆产品需求大幅上升,因此将销售增长预期从此前的6%至8%上调到8%至9%nkc币。Coty集团续指,旗下Prestige和Consumer Beauty业务部门,以及欧洲、美洲和全球旅游零售业务都推动了业绩前景改善。

02|Coty Group raised Q1 growth forecast

Coty Group said it raised its sales growth forecast to 8-9% in the current quarter from a previous forecast of 6-8% as demand for overall beauty products rose sharply as its skin-care strategy took effect.

Coty pointed out that its Prestige and Consumer Beauty departments, as well as its Europe, Americas and global travel retail businesse, all contributed to the sales growth.



03|Swiss watch exports jumped nearly 15% in August

Swiss watch exports surged 14.7% y-o-y to 1.7 billion Swiss francs in August 2022, accelerating further from July, according to the latest data from the Swiss Watch Industry Federation. The US and the mainland of China markets tied for the world's largest watch export market with 15% market share each.


据 The Business of Fashion 报道,极端天气正在与政治动荡、经济挑战和贸易紧张局势一起,威胁到棉花供应nkc币。在世界上最大的棉花生产国印度,降雨和害虫导致供应严重下降,该国不得不转向进口。美国和巴西分别是世界第三和第四大棉花生产国,然而由于干旱肆虐田间,棉花产量也岌岌可危。

04|Climate change is exacerbating fashion's supply chain problems

Extreme weather is threatening cotton supplies, along with political unrest, economic challenges and trade tensions, according to The Business of Fashion.

In India, the world's largest cotton producer, rains and pests have caused supplies to drop so badly that the country has had to turn to imports. Cotton production in the US and Brazil, the world's third and fourth largest producers, is in jeopardy as drought ravages fields.



05|Credit Suisse expects the number of Chinese millionaires to double by 2026

Total household wealth in China surged 15% y-o-y to $85 trillion in 2021, with 6.2 million millionaires, up more than 1 million from 2020 and one-fifth of the 5.2 million new millionaires worldwide, according to a Credit Suisse report released recently. The Credit Suisse report says the number of millionaires in China is expected to double to 12.2 million in 5 year.


Investment and Financing


墨西哥高端百货商店运营商Liverpool 9月15日披露,已收购美国高端零售商Nordstrom 9.9%的被动股权,价值约为2.9亿美元,成为第二大股东nkc币

01|Mexican Liverpool department store became Nordstrom's second-largest shareholder

Liverpool, Mexican high-end department store operator, disclosed 15 on September that it had acquired a 9.9% passive stake in US high-end retailer Nordstrom, valued at about $290 million, making it the second-largest shareholder.

02|意威基金投资2亿欧元 Eataly nkc币,推动其全球扩张

意大利私募基金Investindustrial(意威基金)旗下投资公司和意大利高端美食集市Eataly签署合作协议,将从 Eataly现有股东处购买部分股份,并增资2亿欧元nkc币。交易完成后,Investindustrial将成为Eataly的第一大股东—持有52%股份。

本次获得的投资资金将使 Eataly 有能力偿还银行债务,并最大限度地提高财务灵活性来支撑集团的全球扩张计划nkc币。Eataly此前已经积极拓展海外市场,截止到目前在北美已拥有8家旗舰店,并在欧洲、中东和亚洲拥有16家授权经营门店。

02|Investindustrial invests €200 million in Eataly to boost its global expansion

The investment company of Italian private equity fund Investindustrial has signed a partnership with Eataly, the high-end Italian food market, to buy shares from existing shareholders and raise €200 million in capital. Once completed, Investindustrial will become Eataly's largest shareholder with a 52% stake.

The funding will enable Eataly to repay its bank debt and maximize its financial flexibility to support the group's global expansion. Eataly has been aggressively expanding overseas, with 8 flagship stores in North America and 16 licensed Outlets in Europe, the Middle East and Asia.



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